Monday 2 September 2013

Honey O'Hara Part 3

Honey O'Hara

Lace, Lace and More Lace

The next step is adding the lace to the strips to soften the edges and give it a more feminine look, and of course to match the original inspiration of Scarlett O'Hara's HUGE ruffled dress.
Adding the lace was much quicker and easier than hemming endless metres of strips.  It was also a lot more satisfying because the finished effect is so pretty!
Just a quick snapshot of a strip with the lace pinned in place.  I also folded the lace over at the end and sewed a mini hem to make sure it wouldn't fray.

Just a close up of the layered effect of the lace with the strips above.
Below is a shot showing three of the strips just draped in place while a fourth strip waits to have its lace sewn on.
Finally all strips are sewn into place and finished off with lace in the below photo.
The skirt is actually very heavy! A lot heavier than I expected and I may need to put even more tulle in place to hold it out than I had originally planned.
It does look awesome though and I think it is going to be as true to the inspiration as a dog costume can get.
After having a feel of the weight of this skirt, I am definitely glad I reinforced the Velcro.
A pic to show the details of the lace, it really is very pretty.
I was amazed at the range of lace that was available, made it difficult to pick just one!

The last thing I did before declaring the skirt 'finished' was add an extra bit of lace to the top of the layers because it looked bare without the lace.
There is still gathering before the skirt is officially finished but there are no more bits and pieces to add so I can start working on the tulle.