Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Honey is Cinderella - Final Touches

Honey is a Cinderella

Final Touches

Having made sure all that awsome tulle is nice and perky and standing up well, the first thing I have to do is pin it back down so I can get the satin on without all the tulle getting in the way!

The satin has been pinned and will be sewn on upwards to hide the stitches. 
There are two long strips of chiffon in a tear shape with rounded ends beneath the satin, which will be sewn with the same stitches that hold the satin in place.
The above photo is still just pinned in place, but I folded the satin down so the chiffon can be seen.
 The satin and chiffon has been sewn on in the above two shots, but I have left the tulle pinned down for now incase I have to make any changes.

Honey LOVED trying the outfit on.  Her and Beau even did their best impression of regal poses, practising for their roles as Cinderella and Prince Charming.
Again this doesn't show the skirt's tulle-enhanced ball-gown awsomeness since the tulle is still pinned down incase of adjustments.
Lucky I did because I wasn't entirely happy with how the skirt sat.  I could see that even with the tulle puffed out it was going to be a little droopy looking with the corners hanging down.
To fix it I used a trick I learnt with the fairy dress and sewed the skirt for a short way along the line of the underjacket. 
Not having it hanging down also means there will be less weight on the tulle so the skirt will stand up better when complete.
This was the result once the tulle was unpinned.
A beautiful ball of a dress, just like a human ball gown.
The only problem is the chiffon bits.  They are a little hard to see but if you look carefully you can see the one closest to us hanging down just in front of the skirt.
The first thing I tried to do to fix it was putting a small stitch in both tear drops to keep them centred and together but the weight of them dragged them forward off the skirt and they still hung down.
In the end I decided to cut off the long tear drop ends which had been intended to follow the line of the skirt.  Now that the skirt doesn't hang down anymore it just wasn't necessary to have them long.
I cut the new ends into a rounded shape making the chiffon into ovals rather than tear drops.
This design fits closer to the original inspiration now that the skirt is higher and doesn't hang down and combined with the dart worked perfectly to fix the problem.
I had intended to get a final awsome picture on the night of her with Beau and Mark and I but due to the state of the people taking the photos on the nigth they didn't turn out. 
I will take some nice photos of the complete outfit and add them to this post later.
Both costumes are a little worse for wear due to a rough night playing with each other and a boisterous staffy.
This dress design would be very versatile and doesn't need to be confined to a Cinderella theme.  It could be made up in any colour, with or without the chiffon ovals to give your furry human a pretty satin dress.
There are plenty of dog tuxedos on the market for a handsome boy dog to wear to a wedding but not many formal dresses.
If anyone was interested in having a special four legged girl accompany them down the aisle or just be a guest of honour at a special occasion I could alter it to match a bridal gown or be in the bridesmaids colours.
Any requests can be made to or
: )


  1. Hi Honey & Beau - I've finally had time to pop over to your blog and say hello! :-) It was really interesting reading about how your human made your costumes...well, you already know we think you look absolutely GORGEOUS as Cinderella - we can't wait to see Beau as Prince Charming! Bet he'll be really dashing! ;-)

    Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog!

    Honey the Great Dane

    1. Hey Honey,

      Glad you got the chance to pop over and check it out! We know your human has been super busy and we have loved keeping up with your adventures. We especially loved your human's dingo encounter and had a bit of a sing-along.
      Have just posted the finishing post for the Cinderella and Prince Charming costumes. Our human thinks Beau looks pretty handsome as Prince Charming.
      Hope you are having fun and the book revisions are going smoothly. We can't wait to read more of your adventures!
      Honey and Beau
