Friday, 19 July 2013

Honey O'Hara - Getting started

Honey O'Hara

Part 2 - Getting Started

The first step in this mammoth project was to sew the basic jacket which forms the base for most of my costume designs.
As I said in the last blog, there is a LOT of fabric involved in this one!
 To cut the shape out I first fold the material so its doubled over.
I don't fold it completely in half because I don't want to split the left over fabric. 
Just folding the amount you need leaves the leftovers all at one end which is handy if you have to cut another big piece out.
 I always pin the paper to the fabric so it can't wriggle around and muck up the shape of whatever it is I'm cutting out.
You don't need many, I just pin at all the corners.
Next step is to ditch the paper patter and pin the two bits of fabric together ready for sewing. 
I use a lot more pins in this step!
I do minimal pins toward the tail because the corners are going to be cut off to create the nice rounded shape.
Corners are now all cut off to make the desired shape.
Before sewing I add more pins to the tail end so it stays in place as well.
 Have sewn it all together and turned it right way out.
Also sewn closed the tail opening, added the Velcro and given it a quick iron.
 For this project I reinforced the Velcro because the dress will be much heavier than a normal outfit.
I haven't had any trouble with the Velcro pulling away yet, but better safe than sorry.
To reinforce it I stitched a zigzag across the middle of the Velcro in addition to the normal stitches I put round the outside to attach it.

The good news is that it fits perfectly and can now be put to one side while I create the skirt.
It all looks very plain now, but when it's completed it will look every bit as big and flouncy as they original!

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